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How to Limit Logs to Information to Specific Logs by Finding the Absolute Path


Administrators may, at some point, want to limit or reduce their logs in Spinnaker to specific logs.  This may aid them in the following situations:

  • Controlling specific logs can prevent high CPU and Memory when using debug mode from the root level.* Reduce the amount of non-immediately relevant info logs by changing them only to show ERROR/WARN logs.* Easy to track.* Not overwhelming the console or aggregation tool    


Access to a Running Spinnaker InstanceAccess to change the Spinnaker Configuration


Below is an example log, where we may want to limit to WARN/ERROR messagesWhen looking at the list of logs, admins can see that the logs are using a short path in the console, which makes it harder to know how to limit this specific log. The reason is when changing log mode, we need to specify the full path: c.n.s.c.sql.event.SqlEventCleanupAgent``````s.k.p.u.r.r.RemotePluginInfoReleaseCache ← will show an example of this log i.a.k.a.r.ClouddriverAgentCleanup There are two options to find an absolute path for logs:

  • Looking in the lib folder for the logs class* Configuring advanced logs with logback -> will automatically show the full path of each log In this KB, we will be focusing on the first option.In the example below, we will do it for Clouddriver:
  • We exec into the Clouddriver pod* We will navigate to the lib folder by using the following command: cd /opt/clouddriver/lib/* In the lib folder, we will have a lot of different jar files.* We will use the following command to narrow the list of possible jar files for the specific log we are looking for: find | grep plugin. We are using grep with the word* because we can see the word plugin in the log sample.The command above will provide us with the following .jar files:  ./armory-commons-plugins-3.13.5.jar ./kork-plugins-7.169.1.jar ./kork-plugins-api-7.169.1.jar ./kork-plugins-spring-api-7.169.1.jar ./spring-plugin-core-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar ./spring-plugin-metadata-1.2.0.RELEASE.jar  
  •  In some cases, it will be easier to locate to correct .jar file, and in other cases, we will search for the absolute path in all of them*  If we are checking the first two letters initial log example, s.k, we know the first latter will be Spinnaker, and based on the .jar list, the second is Kork*  We will use the following command to search for the log absolute path inside the Kork .jar files:  jar tvf ./kork-plugins-7.169.1.jar | grep RemotePluginInfoReleaseCache*  After running the above command in step 9, the following output will be displayed:com/netflix/spinnaker/kork/plugins/update/release/remote/RemotePluginInfoReleaseCache.class* We will use the full path we found in step 9, like the example below:        logging:``````          level:``````   WARN The short path log is s.k.p.u.r.r.RemotePluginInfoReleaseCache The full path log is
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